At Fountain Inn First Baptist Church, we have basic core values. These values drive us in all that we do.

Biblical Authority – We believe the Bible is the Word of God.  It will not fail us and does not contain error.  It is everything we need to live moral and ethical lives, but, more importantly, it tells us how we can have relationship with God.  It is the story of God’s involvement with mankind throughout history.

Transformational Worship – There are many venues for worship in our lives, but we believe Sunday mornings are a time for corporate worship for God’s people.  We do not settle for boring or meaningless worship.  From music to the preaching of the Word, we seek to honor God and move one another to serve Him throughout the week. 

Courageous Generosity – God is the best example of courageous generosity.  When He sent His Son to die on the cross, he modeled generosity.  When we are generous with our resources, we are doing what God designed us to do.  We want to be a generous church comprised of generous individuals. 

Dependent Prayer – Jesus declared that the gathering of believers should be a house of prayer.  Throughout the Bible, we see prayer modeled and explained.  Gathering on Sunday mornings is not enough to lead vibrant Christian lives.  Through prayer, God moves and speaks into our lives.  Our prayer lives are our confession that we need him. 

Intentional Unity – “Intentional” is not an accidental word in this core value.  We have to be intentional in our efforts to stay unified.  As a church we will never accomplish the mission God has given us if we do not fight for unity.  This means we show grace to one another and love each other deeply.

Authentic Community – We are a community of believers at Fountain Inn First Baptist Church.  We are real people, and sometimes we are “messy” people.  When we love each other through the highs and lows, we become authentic community. 

Personal Evangelism – All Christians have a story to share.  God moved them from death to life, and we are surrounded by neighbors, family members, and co-workers that need to hear the story of Jesus.  It begins in our homes and neighborhoods.  We aspire to be a church that is unafraid to share our stories with the community. 

Global Missions – We believe everyone should hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Just as Jesus was missional in coming to be with mankind over 2,000 years ago, we believe we have responsibilities to the world.  From our budget to the mission trips we take throughout the year, we care about those who live in faraway places.